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Remembering Those Struggling with Addiction 

Today in the Word and Pennsylvania Adult & Teen Challenge Partner to Share God’s Word

Paul said that when he arrived in September to serve at the Adult & Teen Challenge center in Western Pennsylvania, they had very little reading material for the men to use. “All the books we had were old or worn out,” Paul said. “We didn’t have the budget to buy new reading materials, and our funds had suffered during COVID. When guys come in, we give them Bibles and Christian reading material. These men are thirsty for knowledge.”

Today in the Word answered Paul’s request by sending them bulk copies of the TITW daily devotionals to use with the men. The men are 18 or older, the average age is about 30. “Most men, on average, don’t reach out for help to change until age 27,” explained Paul.

The Teen & Adult Challenge Center is a one-year live-in discipleship/drug and alcohol addiction program. The goal is to not only free these men from their addictions, but to give them a relationship with Jesus. They want them not just to avoid addiction, but to live a successful life after leaving the facility. “Some of the men leave the program early,” Paul said. “We want to make sure they have a Bible and have connections.”

“When I got here, we were low on a lot of reading materials – what we had was run-down or falling apart. Young guys are rough on everything. I reached out to Moody, to see if I couldn’t get some materials. I am very thankful for TITW it’s been so helpful and doing so much good for these guys.”

“I do it because I went through the program myself,” Paul said, “I owe my life to it. Ever since, I’ve made it my goal to see people find healing and restore their lives. It’s all to the glory of God. Secular programs are great, but they only teach sobriety. We teach the reliance on the Spirit. We do talk about addiction, but really we rely on the Spirit and teaching the Bible. We explore, what is the biblical reason for what you’ve got going on. The Lord really gets a hold of these men and they get on fire for God.”

As the discipleship coordinator, Paul’s goal has been to find Bible-focused material. “They read everything, and they want more! TITW has really been a blessing for them. We’ve been using it since last December. Guys have Bible studies at night. Not all participate – it is optional. They go in the chapel, pray together, and then take the study, read it and then it jumps off to other things. They read the passage for the day. Talk about the ideas being presented.”


He shared the impact the Center and Today in the Word has had on one young man. “One of the guys has been in our program several times. We picked him up at Taco Bell, almost dead 6’ 2” and only 100 pounds. We gave him food, and nursed him back to life. He started doing this Bible study, and he started exploding in his spiritual life. Went from someone I was worried about to someone who is being transformed by God.”
The young man was facing pending charges. In the past he would have run away. Instead, he has asked God to help him go in and face it. He went back to prison saying, “Lord, I know that you’ve got me. You’ve healed me. This transformation for me was so I could go into prison and minister for You.”
“He was in the program because he didn’t have another choice. In a few months, doing the Bible studies, He didn’t want anything else. Growing. That’s the type of transformation he experienced.”

“We appreciate that Today in the Word is really well written. Some of these guys struggle with reading skills – it’s at the right level. I also know it’s something I can trust.

Many of the men are unchurched. “My goal is to get them to stop focusing on themselves and start to know God. How does your family feel? How does God see you? What is your position before God? I want them to have a relationship with Him,” Paul said. “Using your devotionals has been a beautiful thing. It allows them to start understanding how to become dependent on Jesus. When they explore the Lord, they find contentment.”

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