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Daily Devotional | A New Message Daily Devotional | A New Message

Daily Devotional | A New Message


If you were given life-changing news, how would you share it? Would you post on Facebook or perhaps text a friend? Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His bodily resurrection, we have a wonderful and important message to share. It is a message of hope, encouragement, thankfulness, and love. It is the simple message that Jesus is “the way and the truth and the life” (v. 6). How will you share this message?

Last week, we focused on the new ways we live because of Christ’s transformative work in us. This week we’ll study the new message we have to share with a world that desperately needs Him. Hours before His arrest, Jesus prepared His friends for what was going to happen. It must have been difficult for them to fully grasp. They were worried on His behalf, and probably concerned about their own welfare too. In the midst of this uncertainty, Jesus comforted them, saying, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” (v. 1). How could they not be distressed?! Not only were the authorities looking for Jesus and His friends, but Jesus had just told Peter that the disciple would disown Him three times before sunrise (John 13:38).

Jesus described His return to His Father and His mission to prepare a place for all who believe. Then, He dropped a bombshell of a message that continues to shake the world today. After Thomas’s inquiry as to where Jesus was going and how they could follow Him there, Jesus proclaims, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (v. 6). What was only pictured in the Old Testament sacrifices of the law was now revealed in flesh and blood. Eternal life comes through Jesus Christ alone.

>> Is there someone in your life who needs to hear this message? Begin to pray that God will create opportunities for you and others to share this good news with them.

Pray with Us

Dear God, please grant us opportunities and words of grace to share the vital truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We want everyone to know you!

BY Dr. Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini is Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. He is the former President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and previously served as an Associate Minister of Preaching and Teaching in Spokane, Washington. Chris and his wife, Ashley, and their children reside in Northwest Indiana.

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