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Daily Devotional -  Powerful Prayers of the Bible Header 2021-04 Today in the Word Header Graphics

Daily Devotional | David's Prayer (Part 1)

Groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies are ways we celebrate and thank the many people who paved the way for a new business or building. As God’s people prepared to build the Temple in Jerusalem, King David’s words and prayer taught his people, and us, that a proper perspective produces praise.

At this point in his life, David’s boyish good looks had most likely turned to wrinkles. His ruddy red hair had turned gray. He used to be able to run for miles, now he had to stop to catch his breath when climbing a flight of stairs. One last task he had before leaving this world was to build a place of worship for God. So he drew up plans for a magnificent temple. But the Lord informed him that, because he was a warrior, He wanted someone else to build it. So David rolled up the blueprints, gave them to his son, and then addressed the whole assembly with a prayer to God.

In this powerful prayer, David proclaims that the Lord deserves praise because He is our eternal God (v. 10), who reigns with greatness and power. We have become so accustomed to the things God created that we often focus our attention on human accomplishments. But God created everything, and therefore, everything in heaven and in earth is His (v. 11). God’s creation displays His majesty, splendor, and power.

For instance, just ten seconds of the sun’s power, which God created, have enough energy to power the entire world for 100 years. God is head over all and the ruler of all things (vv. 11–12). David recognized Yahweh’s character and attributes and praised Him unashamedly until his last breath. He had a proper perspective of God which produced praise, and his praise continues to echo today.

>> Follow David’s example and reflect on God’s greatness. As you do, praise God by giving thanks for who He is.

Pray with Us

Father, with joyful humility we recognize that there is nothing we can offer you that we did not receive from you. We are awestruck by your majesty, love, justice, and mercy. To your name be all glory!

BY Dr. Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini is Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. He is the former President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and previously served as an Associate Minister of Preaching and Teaching in Spokane, Washington. Chris and his wife, Ashley, and their children reside in Northwest Indiana.

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