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They waited for Him to come. From the Old Testament prophets to the writers of the New Testament, they all looked to the time when their Savior would restore all things and establish His kingdom. They longed for the revelation of Jesus Christ.
This month we invite you on a journey through the last book of the Bible, written by the apostle John and dedicated to the revelation of Christ who is the center of the entire book (Rev. 1:1). As we study Revelation with Today in the Word, we’ll read about the slain and the risen Lamb, the war in heaven, the New Jerusalem, and the arrival of the King of kings. We’ll be reminded of the priority of love and the poverty of riches. We’ll marvel at the view of heaven and the death of death. Some symbols are explained; others remain mysterious. But, as The Ryrie Study Bible points out, “much of it is frighteningly clear.”
The prophet in ancient Israel encouraged his people, as well as us today: “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come . . . he will come to save you” (Isa. 35:4). The Apostle seems to respond in the last chapter of Revelation: “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20). May this be our prayer amid the hardships and uncertainties of life, and may we live in the light of His coming!
—Elena Mafter, Senior Editor