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The Book of Isaiah: Seeing the Glory of God

  • Jul 2018 Issue
Monthly Issues

Jerusalem is in the news—again. With the plans to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, thus affirming it as Israel’s capital, controversy around the city continues. And it’s not new! Jerusalem has been the center of wars, disagreements, and differences for centuries.

The prophet Isaiah knew exactly what Jerusalem is and to whom the city belongs. The book of Isaiah—our study with Today in the Word this month—paints a powerful picture of the coming Messiah. This Messiah—the Christ—will deliver humanity from the prison of sin and will become “light for the Gentiles” (42:6). Isaiah creates incredible, poetic imagery of the Lord’s kingdom where He reigns in righteousness, and all nations stream to the holy mountain of Jerusalem (2:2–4). Jerusalem then will truly be the “City of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel” (60:14).

We hope this month’s study will encourage you to contemplate in a fresh way the glory of our Lord and Savior. We pray that Isaiah’s words will help you to see the events in the Middle East, around the world, and in your own life in the light of the glory of Christ’s coming. Thank you for your support that allows us to bring this study to God’s people!

Elena Mafter, Senior Editor


Managing Editor: Heather Moffitt; Senior Editor: Elena Mafter; Contributing Editors: Jamie Janosz, John Koessler; Writer: Eric C. Redmond; Art Director: Lynn Gabalec; Graphic Designers: Larry Bohlin, Rachel Hutcheson; Marketing & Production: Paul B. Currie; Digital Media Specialist: Elizabeth Doogan; Project Coordinator: Cheyenne Lehto; Donor Marketing Manager: Claire Kniowski

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