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Question and Answer

I grew up in a religious tradition that referred to and honored saints. What does the Bible say about saints?

phesians 1:1 says that if you are a true believer, then you and every other believer are saints, translated as “holy people” in the niv. Saints is just another term for born-again Christians. In popular language saints is used to describe “super-spiritual” people or those with extraordinary qualities such as patience. In some religious traditions, saints are expected to have performed miracles or had other supernatural qualities recognized by the church. But according to Scripture, all those who trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation are in fact saints of God.

It’s important to note that saint doesn’t mean “sinless.” All saints are sinners saved by the grace of God and transformed daily to the image of Christ as we seek to obey and live by His Word. And we look forward to being glorified into His presence after our death, when, as the Bible says, we shall be like Him (1 John 3:2).

BY Mike Kellogg

Mike Kellogg worked with Moody Radio for more than 40 years, beginning in 1972. For many years he was the reader on Continued Story and began hosting Music Thru the Night in 1982. He also read the Today in the Word devotional for Moody Radio for many years. In July 2014, Mike retired from full-time radio. He is a graduate of Cedarville University, and has served as adjunct faculty in English and Speech Communications at Moody Bible Institute. He is married to Nancy, and they have 6 children and 16 grandchildren.

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