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Faith that Moves Mountains Faith that Moves Mountains

Faith that Moves Mountains


D. L. Moody said: “I believe in definite prayer. Abraham prayed for Sodom. Moses interceded for the children of Israel. How often our prayers go all around the world, without real definite asking for anything! And often, when we do ask, we don’t expect anything. Many people would be surprised if God did answer their prayers.”

Prayer must be accompanied by faith. The object and quality of our faith is what matters; Jesus taught that even if faith were as small as a mustard seed, great things could be done (v. 20). Jesus’ expression “move mountains” has since become an English idiom meaning to overcome enormous challenges or accomplish the impossible (see also Matt. 21:21–22).

On what does the quality of faith depend? James described praying in faith as praying in expectation rather than doubt (James 1:6–8). John explained that the key is asking according to God’s will (1 John 5:14–15). We can have confidence that the sovereign Lord of all will surely hear our prayer. This further suggests that one key purpose of prayer is to align our wills with His.

“Nothing will be impossible for you” does not mean that faith is some sort of magic ticket or mantra, as prosperity gospels claim. In context, Jesus was referring to challenges related to the work of God’s kingdom. One study Bible summarized the meaning this way: “Nothing that Christ authorizes His disciples to do will be impossible.” Jesus also linked such faith with prayerfulness (Mark 9:29).

In today’s verse, Paul pointed out that faith without love is worthless (1 Cor. 13:2). All this indicates that faith that can move mountains is part of an overall lifestyle of Christian discipleship.

Pray with Us

Please add to your Enterprise Infrastructure Services prayer list these system administrators: Joseph Kessinger, William Eyerdom, and Joseph Straw. Pray that they would work well as a team and continue to encourage one another in faith and service.

BY Brad Baurain

Dr. Bradley Baurain is Associate Professor and Program Head of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Moody Bible Institute. Bradley has the unique privilege of holding a degree from four different universities (including Moody). He has just published his first book, On Waiting Well. Bradley taught in China, Vietnam, the United States, and Canada. Bradley and his wife, Julia, have four children and reside in Northwest Indiana.

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