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Zechariah: Return to the Lord

  • Jul 2019 Issue
Monthly Issues

With so many distractions and voices in the world, and even in the church, that lead us away from communion with God, no wonder He often seems distant and silent. Sometimes we wish there were a direct phone line to call Him, a 1-800-number for God. But if we look in the Bible, we’ll see that this line exists. The psalmist reveals to us his 1-800-line to God: prayer. “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer” (Psalm 17:6).

The prophet Zechariah also showed the people of Israel the way back to God: repentance, rebuilding the temple, prayer. As we study the book of Zechariah with Today in the Word this month, we’ll notice that it’s full of consolation, hope, and encouragement.

Even the name of the prophet, which means “Yahweh remembers,” provides comfort. Our prayer is that the words of Zechariah—describing the Lord’s love for His people and the wonderful prophecies of Christ’s coming—will rekindle the reality of God’s presence in your life. And if God at times seems silent to you, may these words of one Bible scholar encourage you: “I have moments in prayer when I lose heart, I know . . . I misinterpret the silence on the other end of the line. In reality it is the silence of presence . . . Silence is a mark of someone who is listening carefully.”

Elena Mafter, Senior Editor


Managing Editor: Jamie Janosz; Senior Editor: Elena Mafter; Contributing Editor: John Koessler; Writer: John Koessler; Art Director: Lynn Gabalec; Graphic Designers: Larry Bohlin, Rachel Hutcheson; Marketing & Production: Paul B. Currie

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