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Since Jesus was raised from the dead on a Sunday morning, hasn't Sunday become the correct day of worship for Christians?
There are only three New Testament passages which seem to make the case for Sunday worship. But a close examination shows that none of them supports this answer. First, Acts 20:7 describes Paul's farewell meeting with the people of Troas: "On the first day of the week, we assembled to break bread." Although they met on the first day of the week, there is no mention of it being their regular worship time. Also, there is no command to worship on the first day.
Second, Paul tells the Corinthians to put aside money “on the first day of the week” for the offering (1 Cor. 16:2). He wasn’t talking about an offering during Sunday worship or even a public meeting. He used the phrase par heauto (commonly translated “each of you”) literally meaning “by himself, in his home” to encourage the Corinthians not to wait until the end of the week.
Finally, John speaks of being in the Spirit “on the Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:10). Most likely it means John received his vision on “a day filled with the Lord.” It may also refer to “the day of the Lord,” describing John’s vision in the book of Revelation. What it doesn’t mean is that this day is Sunday.
The New Testament gives a great deal of freedom to choose on which day to worship. The great news is that we are able to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every day.