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Daily Devotional -  Powerful Prayers of the Bible Header 2021-04 Today in the Word Header Graphics

Daily Devotional | Jesus Prays for His Disciples


I do not know how all the components of my smartphone work, but I do know this: if I forget to charge it, and the battery is dead, nothing will work. Jesus knew His disciples would need to work together after He was gone. Their success would depend on whether or not they were constantly plugged into the power source: Jesus. After He prayed for Himself to glorify the Father, He prayed for His disciples.

Jesus prayed for their protection against the evil one (v. 15). We are reminded in Jesus’ prayer that a spiritual battle is being fought between Christ’s disciples and the enemy. After Jesus’ departure from this world, He understood that the disciples’ unity would be under attack. Therefore, He prayed that they be kept as one, just as He and the Father were one (v. 11). His prayer reflects His deep desire for His disciples to overcome the principalities of this world by unifying together. Their success in transforming the world depended heavily on the Lord enabling them to work as one.

Then Jesus closed this portion of His prayer by praying for His disciples to be “truly sanctified” (v. 19). The Greek word for “sanctify” can also be translated as “set apart for sacred use” or “make holy.” Christ uses this word three times in the last three sentences emphasizing His plea that they are to be used by God for the mission of the world (v. 18). As Jesus often does, He gives His life as an example of what a sanctified life looks like by going to the cross in fulfillment of His mission to the world (v.19).

>> Living on mission in the world is a demanding and challenging task. One of the hardest parts is simply identifying the tactics the enemy uses to get us off track. Pray to clearly see your mission field and for God’s protection from the enemy.

Pray with Us

Dear God, you have placed us in this world to fulfill your mission. Guide our every decision to align with your will. Guard us against the attacks, temptations, and lies of the enemy. You are greater!

BY Dr. Chris Rappazini

Dr. Chris Rappazini is Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies at Moody Bible Institute. He is the former President of the Evangelical Homiletics Society and previously served as an Associate Minister of Preaching and Teaching in Spokane, Washington. Chris and his wife, Ashley, and their children reside in Northwest Indiana.

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