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Imagine that you were near New York City on September 12, 2001. While you were out walking in a park with a friend, someone came up and asked what the two of you were talking about. You responded, “Everything that just happened.” The stranger exclaimed, “What happened?” It would be hard to imagine anyone in New York or the entire nation who would not have heard about the terrorist attack.
A similar situation happened in today’s reading. Two of Jesus’ disciples were talking about the events of Easter weekend when Jesus joined them. The disciples did not recognize Jesus and tried to explain to Him what has just occurred. In this touching account, Luke presents us with two perspectives on the death of Jesus. Clearly, the disciples saw Jesus’ death as a tragic event. They perceived Him as a victim who had been betrayed by His own people. The “chief priests” and “rulers” handed Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified (v. 20). They lamented, “but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel” (v. 21).
They believed that if Jesus had been the Messiah, He would have led Israel in battle against the Romans and defeated them, not been crucified by them. They were troubled by the reports that Jesus’ body was missing and that an angel had told some women that Jesus was alive (vv. 22–23). Clearly, they were not sure what to make of this testimony.
Jesus presented them with a different perspective. He gently rebuked the disciples, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken” (v. 25). Then, He showed them how the Old Testament taught that the Messiah would first suffer and then enter His glory (v. 26).
>> Do you ever have doubts about God? Jesus’ death and resurrection are proof that God keeps His promises. Jesus is God’s promised Son, prophet, priest, king, and suffering servant. Because of Jesus’ death, redemption is available to all who believe.
We humbly recognize that everything we have comes from You. We depend on Your faithfulness to fulfill Your promises in Your Son: prophet, priest, king, and suffering servant. We pray for those who don’t know Him as Savior and Lord!