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Discussion Starters | Seen and Loved

  • March 2023 Issue
Discussion Starters

We hope these questions will help you consider (or discuss with others) what God is teaching you through this month’s study of His Word.


  1. Where are you in your “following Jesus” story? Are you at the beginning, middle or the end? What encouragement are you seeking right now?
  2. What does a biblical mentor look like? How did Elizabeth act as a mentor for Mary? (see Day 3)
  3. What challenges faced Mary and Joseph as new parents? What do you think was uniquely surprising about their role as parents to Jesus? (see Day 4)
  4. Imagine being the parent to a teenage Jesus. What do you think Mary and Joseph thought about His growing independence? What unique challenges did they have?


  1. What labels have you been given? Are they a source of pride or shame? What does the conversation Jesus had with the Samaritan woman teach us about our labels? (see Day 9)
  2. When Jesus interacted with the Widow of Nain he was deeply moved. Why did her situation bring this response from Jesus? (see Day 11)
  3. In Mark 3:20-35, Jesus seems to push aside His earthly family. Why does He do this? What point is He making about the family of God? (see Day 12)
  4. Why did Jesus put the story of the bleeding woman (Mark 5) and Jairus’ daughter side by side? What point is being made?


  1. What opportunities do you have to speak up for biblical truth in public or even political settings? In what ways can you support others who do so on a regular basis? (see Day 14)
  2. Are you trying to meet your own needs? Work in your own strength? What resources does Jesus offer that are far beyond your requirements? (see Day 15)
  3. Are you more of a Mary or a Martha? What can we learn about our relationship with Jesus from their story? (see Day 17)
  4. Why did Jesus delay going to Lazarus? What do we learn about Jesus from this miracle? (see Day 19)


  1. Why do you think Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus? Why do you think Jesus chose to reveal Himself first to her? (see Day 23)
  2. What was so terrible about the lie Ananias and Sapphira told? Why do you think God punished this lie so severely? (see Day 25)
  3. Priscilla and Aquila became trusted ministry partners with Paul. Who have you partnered with in the work of the gospel? What characteristics made this person and this partnership valuable to you? (see Day 30)
  4. Which woman’s story resonated with you? What life lesson will you take away from this study?