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The writer to the Hebrews describes God as "the God of peace" (Heb. 13:20). Would you explain what this means?
In the midst of judgment and the announcement of a curse on all creation (Gen. 3:14-19), why did Adam give his wife the name Eve (v. 20)? This seems like a strange place and time to give anyone a name!
What does Gen.15:6 mean when it says, "Abram believed the LORD and he credited it to him as righteousness?"
The writer to the Hebrews describes God as "the God of peace" (Heb. 13:20). Would you explain what this means?
In the Bible, the word “peace” does not refer to the absence of war or the absence of conflict or hostility. It means much more than a lack of political or social conflict. Peace, as presented in Scripture, means comprehensive well-being and wholeness of God’s people, as we live in covenant relationship with the Lord. God’s peace transcends anything that individuals, cultures, or civilization could hope to achieve even under the best of human circumstances (Phil. 4:7).
God’s peace is the redemptive wholeness and well-being created by the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of people in relationship with Christ. This peace leads to harmonized relationships with God and one another. Our God is the source of peace. Peace is not something we can find in this world; peace breaks into this world from God Himself. There can be no peace apart from God.
In the midst of judgment and the announcement of a curse on all creation (Gen. 3:14-19), why did Adam give his wife the name Eve (v. 20)? This seems like a strange place and time to give anyone a name!
Genesis 3:20 indeed says, “Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all living.” Adam gave his wife the name “Eve” as a faith response conceived in the hope and promise of God’s word. Adam understood that his wife would bear his children. He had heard God’s promise that one of their descendants would crush and defeat the serpent (v. 15). Thus, in an act of faith and hope, Adam gave his wife the name Eve meaning “life” or “living one.” Based on God’s promise, Adam knew that life would come from her! Eve would be the mother of all living, the mother of every human being in history. Even more significant, Eve’s offspring, the Lord Jesus, through His death on the cross and bodily resurrection from the grave, would defeat the devil and the entire host of hell.
What does Gen.15:6 mean when it says, "Abram believed the LORD and he credited it to him as righteousness?"
This is a very good and important question, so I will divide my answer into two parts. First, I will address Abram’s faith, then, I will discuss the result of his faith.
Part One: The Lord spoke to Abram using a powerful teaching tool, the night sky full of twinkling stars. “Look up at the stars,” God said to him, “and count them, if you are able.” Of course, Abram was not able to count all of the stars and that was the whole point! Then the Lord said that Abram’s offspring would be as numerous and uncountable as these stars.
We know that Abram was not a spring chicken when the Lord made this promise. Abram was in his late 70s (Gen. 12:4). He was 99 years old, when God made a covenant with him and renamed him Abraham (Gen. 17:9). The Lord often operates in ways that are beyond our understanding and with timing that seems strange to us. But faced with a seemingly impossible situation, the Bible says, “Abram believed the LORD.”
Biblical faith is not merely the acknowledgment of facts about the Lord, but trust and reliance on Him based on His Word. This text reminds us also that the Lord still desires that men and women in their 70s, 80s, 90s, and 100s trust in Him. Yes, no matter our age, we still have lessons of faith and trust to learn in the school of God. We are never too old to trust the Lord!
Part Two: In Abram’s time and still today, the Lord responds to our faith in Him. The Lord is pleased when we trust Him. Faith in the Lord has outcomes and results. The result of Abram’s trust was that the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness. To reckon means to impute or to put on another person’s account. In other words, in response to Abram’s faith, the Lord declared that Abram was now righteous and justified in His sight. This is one of the great and wonderful truths of the Bible! Through faith in Christ, God credits us, too, with righteousness. We become the righteousness of God in Christ, being all that God requires us to be. What a glorious outcome of trust (Rom. 5:1–2).